amano shrimp with betta fish

Betta with 2 Amano Shrimp and 1 Zebra Snail

Betta's playful encounter with amano shrimp

Added some ghost shrimp to the Giant Betta tank. Now they’re best buds. 👻🦐🐠

Amano shrimp and betta stare down!

Can You Keep Shrimp With Betta Fish?

Betta Tank Mates for 10 Gallon Tanks: Amano Shrimp

My Betta Fish Losing Its Bloodworm Treat To An Amano Shrimp! #aquarium #bettafish #fishtank

#betta #amano #shrimp #fish

Fun Fact: Ghost Shrimp Do This! #Shrimptank #aquarium #miniaquarium

Can You Keep Bettas with Shrimp?

Amano shrimp introduced to Lavender Betta for the first time

Add New Red Cherry Shrimp To Your Tank In 3 EASY Steps

Amano shrimp vs betta male

Planted Nano Update - Amano Shrimp added with The Betta

We created this for our shrimp to eat in peace!. #aquarium #shrimp #shrimptank

Can Betta Fish Live With Shrimp

Betta And Shrimp #shorts #shrimp #bettafish

Amano shrimp: EVERYTHING you need to know! Complete care guide.

Why you Need an Amano Shrimp #tropicalfish #aquarium #amanoshrimp

How I add Amano Shrimp #shorts #aquarium

Clever Amano Shrimp vs Neon Tetras #shrimp #fish

The Amano Shrimp are fighting over food again! 😅 #tropicalfish #aquarium #amanoshrimp

Betta with Amano shrimp tank mate

Amano Shrimp | Caridina Multidentata - Algae Eating Shrimp in Community Tank with Betta Fish